„We will recover, the pain will be carried.“ Israel heals soul wounds from October 7 trauma

Matěj Skalický talks with Tali Levanon, a CEO of Israel Trauma Coalition


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14. 11. 2023 | Prague/Tel Aviv

Wounds left to heal. Painful, deep and complicated. It seems like everyone in Israel knows someone whose brother or daughter was killed or whose neighbor or friend was kidnapped. How to deal with it? Questions for Tali Levanon, a CEO of Israel Trauma Coalition.

Edited by: Kateřina Pospíšilová
Sound design: Jaroslav Pokorný
Researched by: Zuzana Kubišová
Music: Martin Hůla


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Lidé v Tel Avivu si pietou připomněli měsíc od teroristického útoku na Izrael | Foto: Evelyn Hockstein | Zdroj: Reuters

Jeruzalém, postele zabitých a pohřešovaných, instalace vzniklá z iniciativy rodin rukojmích a přeživších z kibucu Nir Oz | Foto: Ronen Zvulun | Zdroj: Reuters

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The podcast used sounds from social network X, specifically from the accounts of Brooke Goldstein, Jerusalem Post and Reuters, as well as from the YouTube channels Combined Jewish Philantrophies, CBS, Reuters, Crux and Global News, and from the Facebook account of the Israeli Foreign Ministry.

Matěj Skalický

Související témata: Vinohradská 12, Útok Hamásu na Izrael, Izrael, Hamás, Pásmo Gazy, útok, bolest, trauma, Vinohradská 12 in english