Russia is militarizing abducted Ukrainian children, warns legal expert

Matěj Skalický talks with Kateryna Rashevska, a legal expert at the Regional Center for Human Rights in Kyiv


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8. 1. 2023 |  Kyiv/Moscow

They steal fridges, foreign territories and Ukrainian children. Russians militarizing and russifying them - warns Kateryna Rashevska, a legal expert at the Regional Center for Human Rights in Kyiv. She joins us for an interview.

Edited by: Janetta Němcová
Sound design: Jaroslav Pokorný
Researched by: Zuzana Marková
Music: Martin Hůla, Jaroslav Pokorný

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In the episode we used audio clips from CBS Mornings, TVP World, Sky News, ABC News.

Matěj Skalický

Související témata: Russia, Ukrajina, Vinohradská 12, Matěj Skalický, podcast, Kateryna Rashevska, Vinohradská 12 in english